IMO shortlist, 1998

G7. $ABC$ is a triangle with $\angle ACB = 2 \angle ABC$. $D$ is a point on the side $BC$ such that $DC = 2 BD$. $E$ is a point on the line $AD$ such that $D$ is the midpoint of $AE$. Show that $\angle ECB + 180 = 2 ∠EBC$.


Solution.  Put $D$ in the center. We can rewrite everything in terms of $a$ - the number corresponding to $A$ and $b$ - the number corresponding to $B$. Thus $C$ is $-2b$, E is $-a$.
The relation between the angles at $B$ and $C$ is easily reduced to the following equation:
Squaring and representing modules with conjugates, we obtain
$$\frac{(a-b)^2}{(\bar a-\bar b)^2}\frac{a+2b}{\bar a+2\bar b}=\frac{b^3}{\bar b^3}.$$
Clearing the denominator and setting everything to the left we obtain
$$a^3\bar b^3-3a\bar b^3 b^3-\bar a^3b^3+3\bar a\bar b^2 b^3=0\ (*)$$
Similarly, the equality we want to proof is equivalent to
Both of the arguments of the complex numbers on both sides are between 180 and 360, so squaring is equivalent transformation here. As above we obtain
$$\frac{(a+b)^2}{(\bar a+\bar b)^2}\frac{a-2b}{\bar a-2\bar b}=\frac{b^3}{\bar b^3}.$$
Everything on the left and expand - we obtain
$$-a^3\bar b^3+3a\bar b^3 b^3+\bar a^3b^3-3\bar a\bar b^2 b^3=0.$$
But this is just the same as $(*)$.


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